Did you know?


Quote from Nicholson’s Cambrian Traveller’s Guide (1840) Abergele ‘the Bee and Union Hotel are superior inns affording unusual comforts, but lodgings may be had at private houses’


Wrexham  A superintendent Griffiths  in the 19th century reported ‘Drunkenness among the lower classes, male and female, is very frequent, and difficult to check owing to the bad state of the lodging houses..... thefts are very numerous; and altogether I consider the town as regards crime and immorality, among the worst in North Wales’


At the turn of the 20th century there were as many as 58 public houses and hotels in Holyhead which was one public house for every 57 males of drinking age!  It was also one-third of the total number of watering holes in the whole of Anglesey.  Those were the days!


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